Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance: Research Reports

ClientNorthern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance

Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance works to expand the political will to make affordable housing a regional priority. Their work includes raising public awareness of affordable housing issues and providing educational materials for communities and public officials on the topic of affordable housing.

In 2018 and 2019, Girton Creative helped design and publish two research reports on the current state of affordable housing in Northern Virginia. The first — Northern Virginia’s Preservation Challenge: Trends, Threats, and Opportunitiesoutlines real estate and development trends having a direct impact on the availability of affordable homes in the region. The second — Building Northern Virginia’s Future: Policies to Create a More Affordable, Equitable Housing Supply — features strategy and policy recommendations for increasing the affordable housing supply to meet new residential needs resulting from recent population growth and employment opportunities. Alongside the main report, NVAHA published a 22-page research justification supplement.

Girton Creative was responsible for art direction, photo sourcing, and the design and layout of all three publications.

NVAHA Northern Virginia's Preservation Challenge report cover
NVAHA Northern Virginia’s Preservation Challenge report cover
NVAHA Northern Virginia’s Preservation Challenge inside spread
NVAHA Building Northern Virginia’s Future report and research supplement covers
NVAHA Building Northern Virginia’s Future inside spread
NVAHA Building Northern Virginia’s Future research supplement inside spread