Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance: Housing Alexandria Asset Map

ClientNorthern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
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NVAHA came to Unit5 Design with a need to provide local and regional resources to persons working in and for the affordable housing sector in Alexandria, Virginia. Rather than publish a simple list, they wanted to embed this information in an image that would convey the wide-ranging organizations and institutions that often intersect, interact with, and/or rely on supportive housing policies and assistance.

After categorizing the myriad sources of housing support and information into nine groups, I created a “wheel” illustration that included symbolic icons and a written description of each category. This PSD file was sent to NVAHA’s webmaster, who used the file to create an interactive visual where users can access specific kinds of community resources by clicking on each wheel section.

Alexandria Community Assets - Preview Image
Sample hoverstate of the “Housing Alexandria” Assets Map.

See the live version at

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