Food & Water Watch: Superweeds Educational Video (Storyboarding & Art Direction)

ClientFood & Water Watch
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In 2013, Food & Water Watch needed a promotional companion piece to its report, Superweeds. The item would need to explain the relationship between genetically modified crops and herbicide-resistant weeds —and their impact on the environment — in a way that might engage activists more than the report alone. With limited resources, the options were few, but the communicatons team ultimately decided on creating a short slideshow-style video that would provide an illustrated overview of the problem.

After developing the overall concept and working with the food research team and communications staff to develop a narrative script, I created a storyboard comprised of 13 scenes that would accompany the narration. I then provided art direction and content oversight for professional illustrator Meghan Boehman, who created custom illustrations for each of the slides in the storyboard. The result was a simple, effective overview of the problem detailed in the report, giving Food & Water Watch’s communications and outreach teams a new tool to engage activists and the general public in an issue that impacts everyone, but can be difficult to explain and understand.

Superweeds initial storyboard including description frames Click to view full PDF[/caption]

Superweeds Video Storyboard Final Click to view full PDF[/caption]

As of October 2019, the final video has more than 21,000 views on YouTube.