Food & Water Watch: Ban Fracking on Public Lands Digital Postcard Set

ClientFood & Water Watch

In 2014, Food & Water Watch began efforts to pass a federal bill that would ban hydraulic fracturing on federally-owned land. As part of the social media effort for this campaign, we developed a series of vintage-postcard-style images featuring scenic views of America’s national parks threatened by efforts to expand oil & gas extraction, along with messages to save these public lands from fracking.

Supporters were encouraged to use and share the images on their social media channels, as well as to share them with their congressional representatives.

PubLands-Canyonlands postcard

PubLands-Glacier postcard

PubLands-Sequoia postcard

PubLands-LosPadres postcard

The postcard “back” urges representatives to ban fracking on national parks.
PubLands - Postcard full collection
Click to enlarge