Handicap International: Wage Employment Report

ClientHandicap International / Humanity & Inclusion

Handicap International (now known in the U.S. as Humanity & Inclusion) is an independent aid organization working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations to improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI’s global network serves communities in approximately sixty countries through headquarters in eight countries.

In 2016, HI conducted a qualitative study of their inclusive livelihoods programs in ten developing countries. The program’s goal was to increase the wage employment of people with disabilities in these countries by providing local employers with information about best practices for inclusive employment, as showcased by HI’s global work and partnerships with businesses, enterprises and organizations. The final report, Situation of Wage Employment of People with Disabilities, was published in both English and French. Girton Creative was responsible for the design, layout and print production of both versions of the report.

Covers, Situation of Wage Employment of People With Disabilities: Ten Developing Countries in Focus. Produced in English and French.
Covers, Situation of Wage Employment of People With Disabilities: Ten Developing Countries in Focus. Produced in English and French.
Wage employment report - English, inside spread
Wage employment report – English, inside spread
Wage employment report - French, inside spread
Wage employment report – French, inside spread