Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania: Impact Timeline and Fact Sheets

ClientHousing Alliance of Pennsylvania
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The Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (HAPA) promotes common-sense solutions to balance Pennsylvania’s housing market and increase the supply of safe, decent homes for low-income people. In 2017, Girton Creative designed and produced several educational print materials for Home Matters Day, an event designed to educate and share resources with legislators in an effort to increase state resources for affordable housing.

A series of one-page fact sheets detail the benefits of state resources in the fight against homelessness.


Girton Creative was also hired to design and print a gatefold brochure which opens to reveal a timeline of HAPA’s legislative and policy successes through 2016.

Cover, HAPA Success Timeline brochure
Left/center panel, HAPA success timeline brochure
Left/center panel, HAPA success timeline brochure
Center/right panel, HAPA success timeline brochure
Center/right panel, HAPA success timeline brochure